ACTION Needed NOW: AFSCME takes battle over HSD illegal quota policy to State Labor Board

Sign HERE and use the comment section to tell us your experience with illegally imposed 'quota policy' at the Human Services Department.

If you've already signed, sign again, and add your comments. ALL AFSCME members, please continue to speak out in solidarity with your fellow public employees.

AFSCME Council 18 has filed a prohibited practice complaint with the New Mexico Public Employees Labor Board on behalf of all HSD Income Support Division - Family Assistance Analysts.

The Board will not hear arguments on the merits on the case until April. We need to hear from HSD/ISD members NOW. Please share examples of how HSD has retaliated, intimidated, or disciplined employees using this illegally imposed 'quota policy'. Share your story in the comment section HERE. Include examples of HSD using your annual performance appraisal, EDA, to load on quota requirements.

The AFSCME complaint demands that New Mexico's Human Services Department rescind these unilateral changes,  bargain with the Union over those, and any future changes to terms and conditions of employment of bargaining unit members prior to implementation in accordance with Article 18, § 2 of the CBA.

Read the prohibited practice complaint which AFSCME filed with the State of New Mexico Public Employees Labor Board [PDF Downloads] HERE.


HSD Income Support Division (HSD/ISD) Employees are doing their jobs, ethically, serving New Mexicans, and saying NO! to a quota policy that harms HSD's mission.  

Under HSD's new plan, employees are being disciplined over performance on unrealistic quotas while using a glitchy computer system.

300 Human Services Employees have signed the petition demanding HSD follow the law and negotiate with our union these drastic personnel policy changes.

Instead of fixing systemic problems in the ASPEN software system, or drafting statewide policies that could work, HSD is choosing to explain away our systemic failures and retaliate against frontline employees. That's not a fix, that's fixed.

Your fellow HSD co-workers have already signed this petition. CLICK HERE to Stand with Them.  

There can be no change in policy until HSD addresses major staffing, mismanagement, and ASPEN system issues. The state has illegally refused to bargain with the union over these changes and we have filed labor charges on the state for a failure to follow the law.

The first hearing on the merits of our argument is before the Labor board on April 10, 2018. We'll keep you posted.

Read our guest column on the struggle to improve careers at HSD - [ABQ Journal]  click here

In Solidarity!