Rob Trombley

Staff Representative/Public Safety Coordinator

1202 Pennsylvania Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Staff Representative for Locals:

601 - City of Belen Police Department
802 - East Central NM State Employees
808 - Hidalgo County
962- City of Belen Blue Collar
1211 - Albuq. Area State Employees
1536 - Bern. County Juvenile Detention Center
1661 - Bern. County Court Specialist
1764 - Luna County Sheriffs Department
1873 - Sandoval County Detention Center
2061 - Luna County Detention Center
2499 - Bernalillo County Corrections
3422 - New Mexico Statewide Corrections
3422 - Western Corrections
3422 - Santa Fe, Penitentiary New Mexico