
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

Sisters and Brothers,

As many of you are aware, over the last eight years, under Susana Martinez and Richard Berry, public employees and the citizens of New Mexico were placed on the back burner in favor of out of state corporate interests and wealthy campaign donors.

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Nationally, 150 working men and women die each day because of their work, never to return home to their families and loved ones.

On April 28th, we remember all of them. Please plan to attend the Ceremony in Albuquerque or take a moment to honor and remember coworkers who we have lost in your own way.

Your Brave coworkers drove in from every corner of the state to speak up on behalf of hundreds, even thousands, of state employees who could be impacted by brashy conceived quota policies, now and in the future. “I was proud to stand alongside these men and women - dedicated state employees who are fighting for themselves, their coworkers, their families, and everyone in New Mexico,” said Ken Long, President of Local 1211, Albuquerque Area State Employees.
On April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated while supporting the striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee. The moving 1 hour documentary At The River I Stand will be screened in Albuquerque on Wednesday, April 4th, and shows the final 2 months of Dr. King’s life and the incredible history of the AFSCME sanitation workers.
"Upper management holds the rank and file to a higher standard of conduct and professionalism than they hold themselves," said Local 1536 President Ben Chavez.
Instead of properly investigating the complaint filed by Lucero, the County, without informing the Grievant or Union, flipped the investigation and instead targeted Lucero. It was a classic example of retaliation for whistleblowing.
Member to Member Organizing Builds Power! Activists networked with one another, discussed what issues we're facing, and decided on the best tactics we will employ to win.

The theme of unity and readiness of AFSCME Council 18’s 9th Annual Public Safety Blue Breakfast drew a packed house of nearly 90 AFSCME Public Safety Officers – the largest yet! -  and from every corner of the state, to Santa Fe on January 25, 2018.  

AFSCME members recommitted to their union, to one another and to the shared mission of making New Mexico public safety careers and public safety better.